Anthropometry Laboratory

Anthropometry laboratory is one of the laboratories at Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and various practices are carried out to understand the methods used to determine the nutritional status of different age groups at this laboratory. Taking circumference and diameter measurements, skinfold thickness measurements from different regions and muscular force measurements according to method and also evolution and practice skills of these measurements are gained. Practices are done about using different advanced properties devices to determinate body composition and measurement methods. Basal metabolic rate, the energy expenditure of exercise, assessment of daily energy expenditure measurements and evaluation of lifestyle are performed with appropriate equipment and methods to determine the energy expenditure of the individual. This laboratory is used graduate education, theses and scientific research projects. Devices and tools is updated and increased parallel with scientific innovation at this laboratory. Our faculty computer laboratory is used for programs and applications which are used for assessment of nutritional status researches.

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